Interaction Essentials™ Workshop

This one-day workshop is based on the exciting book by Linda Berens, Interaction Essentials: 3 Keys to Effective Relationships in the Workplace and Beyond.

Improve your communications and relationships at work and in your personal life. 

Interaction is essential to getting things done and for satisfying our very human need for relatedness. Interaction can be a source of some of our most rewarding moments as well as some of the most painful. Unlike overly simplistic or overly complicated communication and relationship tools, the Interaction Essentials workshop gives you a proven 3-step process using the Berens Interaction Styles model, an easy to understand framework of individual differences that you can apply immediately to every aspect of your life.

You will gain the following benefits for yourself and those you lead, coach, or facilitate:

  • Help others bring all of who they are to the workplace or wherever you lead.
  • Discover more about your unique self—ways you naturally interact, try to influence others, make decisions, handle conflict, and get stressed.
  • Uncover blind spots and pitfalls so you can be more effective in your life.
  • Experience more effective conversations at work and in your personal life so you can be heard and respected as a powerful communicator.
  • Learn how to more effectively get through to some “problem” people in your life.

Which kind of interactions do you experience?


  • Didn’t get desired results
  • No rapport established
  • Confusing, unclear communication
  • Exhausted by the interaction
  • Conflict not dealt with
  • Want to avoid this person at all costs
  • Felt like a waste of time
  • Someone felt insulted


  • Got the results we needed
  • Sense of rapport and connection
  • Effective, clear communication
  • Energized by the interaction
  • Conflict produced a good result
  • Want to interact with this person again
  • Time spent was put to good use
  • All felt accepted and understood


What if you could hold the keys to making interactions rewarding? You can. In the Interaction Essentials Workshop you will learn and apply the 3 keys to effective relationships…

  • Knowing Yourself
  • Making Space
  • Shifting

As a leader you will learn how to engage the energy and talents of those you lead. As a team member you will learn how to make your contributions heard and acknowledged. As an individual you will learn to establish a more solid foundation for all of your relationships. As a coach, consultant, or facilitator you will learn some tips to help others do all of these for themselves.

Fee: $395 Early registration discounted rate of $295

Workshop includes: A facilitated 1-year license for the powerful Matrix Insights team and leadership development software’s Interaction Styles lens and the Interaction Essentials Toolkit to help you start using Interaction Styles right away.


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