Intermediate Courses for Professional Development

Intermediate Courses are offered in an interactive web-based workshop format as well as on-the-ground, in-person. These professional development courses are designed for practitioners who want to learn to facilitate The Communication Zone® process and use the Berens CORE Approach with clients of all kinds. They are also designed for practitioners who are seeking a powerful methodology for introducing a language of individual differences to clients as a part of a change or growth initiative.

In these workshops you will learn best practices for working with psychological type and tools like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instrument. You will learn what to say, how to say it, what to do, how to do it, what to avoid, what to watch out for, and the why of all of these.

Some of these courses can lead to either licensing or certification should you decide to pursue that level of training.

On-the-ground, in-person workshops:

In person workshops give us an opportunity to experience how personality tendencies tend to play out in every day life. They can be more interactive than on-line programs. As practitioners, we are often called on to facilitate work groups and teams, so experiencing similar workshops gives a reference point and they also allow for emergent learning as we explore the dynamics as they unfold.  We will be adding to the list of in-person practitioner workshops as soon as we can determine if there is a need. Please let us know what kinds of workshops you would like.

Blended Learning Berens CORE™ Approach Certification Program

This is the flagship program that we are known for. It leads to becoming licensed to use the lenses and materials for self-discovery, team development, and learning events in licensee’s own practices or organizations. The latest iteration of this program is not just a workshop, but rather a blended learning program that leads to certification. You can read about all you get with this training by clicking here.

Master Classes

Content specific master classes for teamwork, leadership, conflict and other application areas will be offered periodically.

On-line Workshops: Facilitation Essentials Series

Many type practitioners have expressed an interest in learning how to facilitate the self-discovery process and other activities using Interaction Styles, Temperament, or Cognitive Dynamics, but were unable to attend the longer workshop. So we have designed this series to meet this need. Participation in the workshops will give you the foundation of how to introduce clients to each of the lenses. If you want to be licensed to use the PowerPoint Slides and the content in the Facilitator’s Guide, you can also sign up for the Licensing Packages.

This workshop series also provides a good review for those who have taken the MBTI® Qualifying programs from TRI or Interstrength Associates or for those who have taken our 5 day program. These five on-line workshops are included in the Blended Learning Berens CORE™ Approach Facilitation Training.

Essentials of Facilitating Self-Discovery

When individuals engage in a self-discovery process there is greater ownership and more accurate results. Any concerns they might have had to looking at personality differences are taken care of from the beginning. We have been facilitating a self-discovery process that complements your use of the MBTI® instrument or other instruments for over 25 years and have discovered some proven ways to make this process more effective. In this workshop you will learn best practices for setting expectations, creating safety, how to introduce instrument results and more. You can apply what you learn to many other models as well.

Will be scheduled soon.


Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of personality type lenses

Essentials of Facilitating Interaction Styles

In this workshop you will learn how to most effectively facilitate self-discovery and application activities using the Interaction Styles lens. We will cover the best practices and the lessons learned. You will get the most from this workshop if you have also experienced the Interaction Style self-discovery process Foundation Courses or an in-person workshop with a qualified facilitator.

Will be scheduled soon.


Prerequisite: Essentials of Facilitating Self-Discovery

Essentials of Facilitating Essential Motivators (aka Temperament)

In this workshop you will learn how to most effectively facilitate self-discovery and application activities using the Essential Motivators (Temperament) lens. We will cover the best practices and the lessons learned. You will get the most from this workshop if you have also experienced the Essential Motivators self-discovery process Foundation Courses or an in-person workshop with a qualified facilitator.

Will be scheduled soon.


Prerequisite: Essentials of Facilitating Self-Discovery


Essentials of Facilitating Cognitive Dynamics

In this workshop you will learn how to most effectively facilitate self-discovery and application activities using the Cognitive Dynamics lens. We will cover the best practices and the lessons learned. You will get the most from this workshop if you have also experienced the Cognitive Dynamics self-discovery process Foundation Courses or an in-person workshop with a qualified facilitator.

Will be scheduled soon.


Prerequisite: Essentials of Facilitating Self-Discovery

Facilitating the Essentials of the Berens CORE Approach Licensing Packages

You can qualify for a license to use the materials in your own practice with clients or inside your organization upon completion of the licensing requirements. Licenses can be obtained for single lenses or for all the lenses as a package. You will receive the related chapters of the Guide for Facilitating Self-Discovery, which gives you scripted lesson plans for workshops and activities following the adult learning process as well as the animated PowerPoint files you will see demonstrated in the on-line workshops.


Complete all 10 on-line workshops in The Communication Zone Series or the equivalent. This is necessary because if you don’t understand the other lenses you can easily miscommunicate about the lens you want wanting to be licensed to use.

Complete the Essentials of Facilitating Self-Discovery Workshop as well as the Essentials of Facilitating ….Workshop (whichever lens you want the license for).

Complete the home study workbook and pass the exams on theory, ethics, and the self-study.

In addition to the costs of the workshops, the fee for the additional materials and exam process is $175 per lens. There is a $25 discount for each additional lens.

Please note that the license to use the materials is limited to your own work and not for public on-line courses or to train other practitioners.

Please contact us for more information info(at) or 714-625-9475

Remote Individual Coaching

One-on-one Meta Coaching with Linda Berens

Meta Coaching is one way practitioners can gain more skill and acumen with their coaching, team development, and workshops.Change work is lonely work. You are often working on your own and cannot use members of the system as co-consultants. Meta Coaching gives you this objective sounding board from outside the system. As you discuss the particular issue you are concerned about, Dr. Berens will share her insights and make suggestions for you to incorporate into your work. Or sometimes, she is just a catalyst for you to come up with your own solutions. Usually this coaching takes place over the course of an hour or two with some follow up email conversations.

By appointment

Fee: $250 per hour

Training and Organizational Program Design

This support is very helpful for practitioners who want to weave the various lenses into their organizational programs. We have extensive experience helping trainers, consultants, and organizational designers see where the lenses can make the most impact and how to fine tune their training design and workshops. We can also assist you with a whole organization implementation.

Independent Study

If you are doing research or just have some things you want to learn, you can arrange for independent study as well as research advisory services. Contact us for more information.

Please contact us for more information info(at) or 714-625-9475

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