Leading Edges of Type

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Yes, you read that right! I said ‘edges’ not edge. So much is emerging right now that we have to say leading edges, not edge. In the last few years, we have seen some major shifts in the world of personality type. From an increase in the number of typology instruments available, to increased criticism of the MBTI® instrument confusing the theory and unethical practices with the brand and the instrument itself, to a focus on the Cognitive Processes instead of the letters of the type code, to the emergence of the Interaction Styles lens and more.

What is now on the leading edge? Groundbreaking research in neuroscience, looking at type development in relationship to ego development, a deeper look at culture, and an integral approach to type though the Berens CORE™ Approach and Integral Type. So how are we to keep up? Here are few suggestions.

Start by reading my recently updated article, The Leading Edge of Psychological Type, to put all of these changes in context. The roots of type are deep and much older and broader than the MBTI® instrument alone. In the article you can get a brief overview of the rich history behind type as well as where it is going.

There are many other leading edge resources, such as the Application and Methodology articles on this website and also under Integral Type and Development and the following books:

Join the Association for Psychological Type-International and also attend the APTi Conference July 11-14, 2013 in Miami for community, exposure to new tools, and information in sessions like

Selling Brain-Savvy Type by Dario Nardi
The Four Cognitive Quests by Linda Berens and Christopher Montoya
Type and Emotional Intelligence: New Findings and Practices by Roger Pearman
When Type Doesn’t Explain Everything—How to Work with International Clients with Doris Fuellgrabe
Using Type at Different Levels of Ego Development with Angelina Bennet

Attend the Integral Theory Conference and/or the post-conference session on How Development Shapes Growth and Healing.

To be on the leading edge join me for the Berens CORE™ Approach Facilitation Training in July in Miami or in December in Southern California.

Join the Berens CORE™ Approach Community of Practice.

Sign up for our newsletter to keep abreast of new developments and new blog posts.

Stay tuned for updates on the leading edges of type.